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About Us

About Jeeva and Simon


about us

After spending most of our working lives in London we knew we wanted two things: a change of pace from the daily grind and a home that we could grow into and share with others. A rural existence in Devon was a world away from the one we had known, but as regular visitors to the county we knew that this beautiful corner of England was just the right spot. After several years of trying to find the right home, we stumbled upon Hooppells Torr and knew it was the one for us.

Running a bed and breakfast is something of a homecoming for Jeeva who graduated with a Masters in International Hotel Management and is delighted to be using her degree again! Her career began in London working for Tim and Kit Kemp's boutique hotel group, Firmdale Hotels, including stints at the Covent Garden Hotel, Charlotte Street Hotel and Soho Hotel before branching out of hotel operations into hotel consulting and events management. Since the move, her gardening skills and beekeeping skills are coming along nicely!

Simon has worked in publishing in Bloomsbury since leaving Warwick University and for years has shared his love of food and drink with anyone who would listen and wield a knife and fork. Living a short walk from Borough Market proved as good an education as one could get, spending every Saturday learning about ingredients old and new. Since moving to the country, he has surprised everyone with his DIY and interior design skills, but not so much by earning a Wine and Spirits Education Trust Award.

We look forward to welcoming you to Hooppells Torr as does our son, Luke, and Sidney the cat.